Maternal and Child Health Integrated Project
Asian Development Bank, Grant 0627-TAJ (SF)
Consulting Services:
Consultant Type: Firm
Selection Method: Quality and Cost-Based Selection
Source: International
Technical Proposal Format: Simplified Technical Proposal
Engagement Period: 67 months
Location of Assignment: Dushanbe city, Fayzobod, Rasht and Sh. Shohin districts
The Republic of Tajikistan received a grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the implementation of the Maternal and Child Health Integrated Care Project in Tajikistan. The Maternal and Child Health Integrated Care Project will help address key issues affecting Tajikistan’s health sector, such as inadequate funding, outdated infrastructure and health facilities, as well as lack of qualified medical professionals and healthcare providers, especially in rural areas.
Purpose and objective of this consultancy is to support the MOHSPP and the PAG with the planning and implementation of Project activities and the development of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tools and instruments. The Consultant’s employer or client is the MOHSPP, the Project’s Executive Agency (EA); the project’s Implementing Agency (IA) is the PAG working on behalf of the MOHSPP. The PAG will coordinate project implementation.
In close coordination with the MOHSPP / PAG, the consultant firm will perform the following tasks:
- 1.
Support EA / IA with the procurement of Goods, Works, and Services for
the development of the health care infrastructure in Project districts
- (Fayzobod, Rasht and Sh. Shohin districts)
- Establishment of a Monitoring and Evaluation System
- Conduct Surveys and Operational Research
International consulting company shall comprise the following key experts:
For Infrastructure Component:
International Experts
- Architect (Team Leader for Design Review)
- Structural / Civil Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Electrical Engineer
- Water supply / Plumbing Engineer
- Safeguards Specialist (environment, resettlement, social)
- Procurement Specialist
For Monitoring and Evaluation Component:
International expert
- Health Systems / Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (Team leader)
National experts
- Health Systems / Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
- Data Collection and Analysis Experts (up to 5)
Detailed information is provided in Terms of Reference which can be accesses through the following link:
CS02 – TOR_Project Implementation_EN_FINAL
MOHSPP invites eligible consulting firms to submit their expression of interests to provide the abovementioned services.
Interested firms shall submit information proving that they have adequate qualification to perform the intended services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, experience and competence related to assignment, brochures, skills of personnel etc.).
The selection process will be done in accordance with ADB Procedures and Guidelines for selection of consultants based on Quality and Cost-Based Selection. Shortlisted Firms will be invited to submit technical and financial proposals. Expression of interests submitted by firms will be reviewed by Selection Committee using the following criteria:
- Experience related to the assignment set forth in the Terms of Reference;
- Technical capability of the firm, individual qualification of team members to be involved in the assignment;
- Corporate Profile indicating the duration of services rendered, core competencies, management system and financial resources;
Shortlisted firms will be invited to submit technical and financial proposals. Successful firm will be selected and invited to contract negotiation.
All interested consulting firms shall submit their expression of interests in English and/or Russian languages online in a special electronic format accessible through the following link:
Experssion of interests submitted in person may also be accepted provided that expression of interests were prepared in accordance with ADB format.
For additional information, interested firms may contact us:
Project Administration Group
Maternal and Child Health Integrated Care Project in Tajikistan
734025, Dushanbe, Shevchenko str. 61
Building of Tajik State Institution “Tajik Research Center
for Preventive Medicine”, 3rd Floor
Tel.: +992 37 221 1606
The deadline for submission of expression of interests is 30 June 2019, not later than 20:59 Dushanbe local time.