Home > News > The Project Manager and responsible people got acquainted with the progress of construction works in the pilot districts

The Project Manager and responsible people got acquainted with the progress of construction works in the pilot districts

Employees of the Project Administration Group “Maternal and Child Health Integrated Care” (ADB grant – 0627-TJ (SF)) under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan, under the leadership of the project manager Mahmudzoda Isfandiyor, got acquainted with the progress of construction works in the pilot districts of the Project, including Rasht and Faizabad. As part of this visit, consultants and specialists from international joint venture “Societa Italiana di Monitoraggio SpA (Italy) ”and“ RPA Srl ”and“ local partener BARS Consulting Ltd ” took part in the event. It is worth to mention that in Rasht and Faizabad districts, contractors have finished digging the ground and strengthening the soil under buildings, weaving wire mesh and pouring concrete on building foundations, as well as dismantling doors and windows and raising walls between hospitals. The project manager instructed the contractors to pay due attention to safety during construction work, to complete the concrete foundation and raise the walls of the first floor before the start of the winter season. International joint venture “Societa Italiana di Monitoraggio SpA (Italy) ”and“ RPA Srl ”and“ local partener BARS Consulting Ltd ” was also instructed to inform the client in case of misunderstandings and shortcomings in the construction project, as well as promptly offer a solution to contractors.

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